Someone: Are you crying?
Me: No, I'm having an allergic reaction.
Someone: To What?
Me: Life
That Awkward Moment when your mom tries to make you laugh at your HS Senior photo shoot by talking baby talk and calling you by your baby nick name and revealing a ridiculously embarrassing moment when you were little. You are a 200lb muscle cut dude, athlete, handsome as all get out and the photographer has two beautiful daughters that go to your same school.
I don't care if I can't sing. this is my favorite song. therefore I will sing.
The word imperfect actually spells "I"M PERFECT. Because everyone is perfect in their own imperfect ways. (right!)
I can't be the only one that wears the same shirt 5 days in a row because it was hidden under a hoodie the entire week, right?
Dear Sidewalk, Please get wider... Sincerely, third friend walking behind feeling excluded.
Saying something stupid and thinking "Yeah that sounded better in my head."
Please visit my "About Me", "Pricing" Page that is specifically for Seniors call me with Questions.
Life is just better when you're Laughing. I know, right?